Why is canning an important skill for your home(stead)?

Why is canning and preserving your own food so important? Wheather you have a garden or enjoy your local farmers market, learning to can is a vital skill. In this article I will highlight some of the main reasons you should be canning but as I am very passionate about canning I assure you I could spend all day talking about this subject. 

Supplement My Menu

Most of us have not forgotten the strange grocery store runs in 2020 because of Covid. It was very eerie to see entire areas of the stores bare. Growing my own food and preserving it makes me a little bit more self-reliant. The fact that this extra food is also exceptionally delicious is a bonus.

Passing on the Skill of Canning

Sharing the traditions of food preservation with the next generation is a very important life skill. By teaching my kids some of these lost arts, I help connect them with traditions from our past while passing on skills that will last beyond my lifetime.

Real flavor is not always beautiful

Prove that real flavor is on the inside and that produce does not have to look perfect to be delicious. Bruised and damaged fruit still makes perfect jam and jellies and irregularly shaped cucumbers are always delicious as pickles.

Health & Environment Benefits of Canning & Preserving Food

Peak of Season Nutrition

Canning capitalizes on peak of season flavor and nutrition. When food is enjoyed within its natural season, it will have the most complex of flavors and the best nutrition. Canning is the ultimate expression of seasonal eating because the whole point is to use fresh ingredients at their peak of readiness. The beauty of canning is that later, when the season is long gone your family can still enjoy that jar of vine-ripened flavor (even in the middle of winter).

Know what is in my Food

If I want to put sugar in my jam, then I decide how much and what kind of sugar to use. I can add additional herbs and seasonings for health and flavor. I know how I garden, and that I am avoiding the use of chemicals when growing my fruits and vegetables so canning and preserving are great ways of avoiding unwanted chemicals in your families food. All the choices of how and what I eat are my own.

Eat more Variety

Enjoy flavors not found in the grocery store. Standard grocery stores only carry foods that can travel long distances and can sit for long periods of time. Most of the well traveling varieties have long since sacrificed storage for flavor and vitamin content. Canning/freezing allows me to seek out lesser-known varieties not found in the stores. I can then enjoy the complex colors and flavors of wild blackberries, persimmons, elderberries or french radishes, and more. Canning also allows me to experiment with unique herb/spice combinations and create condiments or sauces that make any cook drool.

Why Should You Be Canning?.,Main Points Take Aways

  • Canning/Preserving prevents waste
  • Canning is more nutritious
  • Canning/ Preserving is kind to the enviornment
  • Canning / Preserving  is a skill that in uncertain times could prove to be invaluable.
I hope this information was helpful and I hope that you enjoy my collection of canning recipes.